
Showing posts from March, 2017

Why we need to dis the word dis ability

Growing up I was raised just like anybody else if I wanted to do something I had to figure out my own way to make it happen. I never considered myself as a person with a so called disability. I have the ability to do whatever I want just in a different way. I've always been the type of person who if someone tells me I can't do something it just pushes me to work harder to prove them wrong.  My parents have always made me believe I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it. My parents have never told me I couldn't do something with out letting me try it myself  first. I have never let my cerebral palsy get in my my way of living my life to the fullest. Since is was never treated any differently than anyone else in my family I never saw myself as different I just had cool wheels. I don't want people to pity me because I don't pity myself I had an awesome childhood, I have amazing friends and family, and for the most part I do the same activities as the so called ...

What it is like living with a body that doesn't cooperate

Living with Cerebral palsy has never been easy and has definitely h nd downs along the way. Living with ups and downs of Cerebral palsy has shaped me into the person I am today. One of the hardest challenges about living with Cerebral palsy is living in a body that doesn't cooperate with you. Living with Cerebral palsy you never know what your body is going to do.  You can tell your body to do one thing and it does the complete opposite like when I tell my legs not to get tangled up in one another and they do it anyway or when I'm trying to sleep and my legs starts to randomly twitch on their own.  Living with Cerebral palsy you have good days and some not so good days and you can't predict when your going to have a good day or when you are going to have a not so good day. I can wake up one day and my legs will cooperate and then the next day they don't cooperate at all.  I have learned not to dwell on the bad days and focus more on my good days. the good days out weigh...