I'm not fine China

growing up I noticed how some people believe since you use a wheelchair or a Walker you can't do the same activities as"normal people " because there is a chance you could fall and hurt yourself. Yes I may have some balance issues due to my cerebral palsy however my body is not made of glass. When I fall down I won't shatter into a million pieces chances are I will laugh at myself for falling and get back up. I have fallen many times in my lifetime, but I have only broken two bones. Yes one broken bone was caused by a fall but the other was due to me being a typical stupid teenager. People who use wheelchairs for or walkers are not fragile, and shouldn't be treated as if they are. One of my favorite lines when people look at me like I'm fragile, "I'm not fine China I'm not going to break."  Children who have special needs are usually the toughest they learn to fight to get what they want and have an unbrakable spirit.


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