
I have never   thought of myself as being disabled. I have always been a typical girl , The only
my different between me and the rest of society is I use a walker to get me from point a to point b. I have never let the fact that I use a walker stop me from figuring out how I am going to do something. I do typical 22 year old things like run the dishwasher, and plan for my future after college. Because I use a walker society often feels like they have a right to tell me what I am able to do and what I am not able to do.Let me tell you one thing I don't care what society say! I am able to do most of the same things others my own age. Using a walker is the only thing I have ever known and is considered normal to me. Since using a walker is considered my normal I've taught myself how to do everyday things on my walker. My biggest thrill in life is taking every opportunity available to prove society wrong.  Despite what society may think about the fact that I use a walker I have been training for a 5 k race. I don't care how long it takes me to finish but when I walk past the finish line I will be laughing in society's face.


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