things learned from cerebral palsy

1. life is not easy
   life with cerebral palsy is never easy and whoever says sitting in a chair all day is easier than walking is sadly mistaken.
2. You have to fight for what you want
Everyday comes with the conscience decision to wallow in self pitty or get up and fight this battle and live a somewhat "normal" life 
3. cerebral palsy doesn't define me as a person
I may have cerebral palsy but cerebral palsy doesn't have me. 
4. If there is a will there is a way
don't ever think cerebral palsy has to stop you from chasing your dreams if you believe in yourself and have a good support system you will find a way. 
5. never ever give up
I know life is tough but you can't quit no matter how hard the circumstances may be God will get you through
6.  sometimes its best to ask for help 
I know, I would rather struggle to do something myself rather than ask for help just to say i did it myself but sometimes its best just to ask for help
7. It is okay to ask for help
people are willing to help and don't think anything of it when asked.
8. life is not always fun
sometimes with cerebral palsy you have to do things that aren't always fun ( doctors appointments,physical therapy, wear braces in your shoes, have surgery) because it will help  you in the long run
9. when you fall get back up 
people with cerebral palsy fall a lot but if you get down on yourself every time you fall you won't know how it feels to pick yourself back up
10. cerebral palsy is beautiful
being different is beautiful we are all unique in our own way 


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