Why you should never use handicapped stall

Okay I'm going to write about one of my pet peeves after having to use handicapped stalls  in public restrooms my whole life to give you some insight into my world. Number one when you walk into a public restroom or dressing room and choose to use the the handicapped stall it makes people who really do need the handicapped stall half to wait. Nothing is more annoying to me than to have to wait to use the restroom or change clothes. Number two when the handicapped stall is being used in on bathroom that sometimes makes the people who really need it have to walk further to go to the restroom so the person who has trouble walking has to walk further to get a accessible stall that's just plain STUPID! People need to be considerate of others and think before they use acessiblr stalls it is okay to use it if necessity but be considerate and respectful to those of use who constantly have to wait on a stall


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